In this collaborative design research project, we explore the potential of an artscience studio approach to learning for youth from historically minoritized communities who experience traditional school science as disengaged from larger personal and community concerns. The approach emphasizes creativity over uniformity, heterogeneity over singularity, openness over closure in learning. A collaborative team of learning scientists, art and science teachers, artists and scientists strive in this work to generate politically and ethically meaningful forms of engagement with complex socio-ecological problems (e.g. climate change, human microbiome and health) and to multiply possibilities of knowing, being, experiencing and feeling—or the kinds of relationships youth can cultivate with phenomena towards more intimate, embodied, expressive and sustaining relationships than is typically possible or supported in school. Collaborators: Boston Arts Academy, the Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT, Chèche Konnen Center, local artists. Funded by NSF.

DRL# 1348494