STEM Cascades: Youth Teaching Youth

STEM Cascades investigates the ways in which young people construct and develop affiliations with STEM teaching and learning in their capacity as mentors, facilitators, and curators of STEM ideas and practices. We seek to understand the design of formal and informal learning environments that support STEM identity development and learning for predominantly African American and Latinx youth by orienting to youth as knowledgeable experts who ongoingly work refine and rejuvenate their own pedagogical development. STEM Cascades is led by Dr. Eli Tucker-Raymond, Dr. Maria C. Olivares, and Dr. Katherine K. Frankel at Boston University (BU) in partnership with four learning partners: The Young People’s Project (YPP); The South End Technology Center’s Learn 2 Teach, Teach 2 Learn (L2TT2L) program; English High School (EHS); and Madison Park Technical Vocational High School (MPTV) in Boston.
Click here to visit the STEM Cascades project website
Grant # 2000511